Your Personal Care Journey Starts Here

Your Supports - Your Way.


Mission, Vision and Values


Carlitas Care Services is about supporting people with a disability to enhance their abilities, achieve their goals and have a choice in the life they want to lead.


That people living with a disability are able to live the life they choose.

Mission Statement

Our mission here at Carlitas Care Services is to provide high quality supports to people living with a disability and to support them to achieve their goals.

M is for Motivated. We are motivated to provide and uphold participants self-determination and decision making.

I is for Inclusive. Our workplace culture is inclusive to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Cultural and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and LGBTQI communities.

S is for Supporting. We support participants using the person-centered approach all the way.

S is for Sympathetic. We believe in having compassion for others.

I is for Informative. We are proactive in ensuring individual choice is supported and respected.

O is for Objective. Our objective is to promote and protect the rights of participants.

N is for Noble. We are kindhearted and honorable in the things we say and do.

 En Carlitas Care Services Hablamos Español si necesita ayuda por favor llamenos al telefono 1300 20 65 10 estamos para servirles